Hey, look where my novel First Descent landed a mention recently!

Also, I have a new book coming out the end of this summer:
Jump Starting Boys: Help Your Reluctant Learner Find Success in School and Life ($16.95, ISBN 978-1-936740-39-0). Co-authored with my sister Cynthia Gill (a licensed marriage and family therapist who taught high school for 30 years), it’s aimed at parents and mentors, and is available now for pre-ordering, below. Hope you enjoy it!

Amazon.com’s page:

A link to the book’s publisher, Viva Editions:



Okay, and just in case anyone is wondering…
Q: What have I been up to recently?
A: Just finishing a new young-adult adventure novel…

Q: Why do I blog / facebook / twitter so seldom?
A: I suffer from chronic back pain and sometimes I have to choose to be “selfish” and devote what little computer time I can handle each day to whatever novel I’m working on. 🙂 Sorry, but that’s just the truth! 

Have a good day!